Introduction to Automated Driving Business Division

the Center of Challenge and Change
Technological Research / Development

01. Major Researches
WAVE-Based OBU Communication ModulesWAVE LTE Communication Fusion Technology
02. Competitiveness
Secured WAVE communication solutions andservice platform technologies for the first time in Korea
Developed technologies for WAVE LTE fusion
communication and own testing abilities
03. Holding Technologies
WAVE LTE communication convergence/selective control technologiesIEEE 1609.X technology
Vehicle communication-based service platforms
Established V2X-based vehicle communication service environment
Service concept of CHEMTRONICS V2X solutions

Provide Forward Collision Warning
Provide Emergency Vehicle Warning
Broadcast Emergency info
Road hazard Warning
School zone, Sliver zone Warning
Utilize Effective Road System
Relieve traffic congestion
Technological Research / Development

01. Major Researches
Hardware and software platforms for vehiclesADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance System)
technologies, such as LDWS, FCWS and BSD
Solutions for converting view modes of HD-class
advanced SVM, rear-view cameras and cameras
Network adaptation technologies for electronic systems
Electronic system application service solution based on
face and voice recognition
02. Competitiveness
The ability to develop camera-based solutionfor recognizing images
Owned the capacity to develop software and
hardware platforms suitable for various services
Secured hardware solutions
which are applicable to data and automotive environment,
such as vehicle communication, OBD-Ⅱ, video data and
vehicle networks
03. Holding technologies
ADAS (Advanced LDWS, FCWS, EDR driver recognition/monitoring)VView Mode Change (such as top view and dynamic packing view)
HD-class advanced SVM, rear-view cameras
Linux-based platforms, media framework, communication framework